Agaie Historical Background

Agaie Emirate:- was originally inhabited by the MAMAS before the coming of GANA GANAS. The EPAS (another tribe) came from KONTAGORA Division and conquered the GANA GANAS. These tribes were all ruled by ETSU MAJIA the son of ETSU EDOGI who was a relation of the Attah of Iddah (ATTAGARA).

The Fulani’s came to Agaie (in 1820) after the ESTU MAJIA was driven across the NIGER by MALLAM DENDO with the help of MALLAM ALIMI, the first Emir of ILORIN

MALLAM MUHAMMADU MALLAM BABBA was the founder of the present AGAIE Fulani Dynasty. He was a KATSINA-FULANI, he left RABBAH for a cottage called NANKO-SHENPA (3 miles west of AGAIE). His conquests extended as far as the KADUNA River on the West and included BARO, KATCHA and THITSU on the River Niger. MALLAM BABBA moved from NANKO-SHENPA to Agaie in 1827. He conquered the EPAS, GANA-GANAS and MAMAS.