Agaie Land Mass

Land Mass:- 874 Square miles with the Longitude 60.30°E – 70.30°E and Latitude 80.30°E – 90.00°E of the Equator. furthermore, Agaie is located within the basement complex area of rhe country characterized by different forms of sedimentary rocks, sand stores, and alluvial deposits along Niger valley and Conducive climate, healthy environment, immense opportunities for socio-economic and agricultural activities.


  • April through November.
  • Concentration around July and August.
  • 1,600 mm in the South.
  • 1,200 mm in the North.
  • Duration – 150 – 210 days.
  • Mean Temperature:- 32⁰C.

Vegetation:- The vegetation of Agaie is found within the vegetation of the State (Niger). The natural vegetation of the State mainly comprises guinea savannah that covers the entire landscape of the State. While characterized by the woodlands and tall grasses (in some parts) interspersed with tall dense species. Within Agaie taller trees occur (through flood plains) as well as oil palm trees. In some areas, traces of rain forest species can be seen.

Soil:-Three major soil types; Ferruginous tropical, Hydromorphic, and Ferrosols. The most predominant soil type is the ferruginous tropical soils. Basically derived from the basement complex rocks and old sedimentary rocks. Ferruginous tropical soils are ideal for the cultivation of guinea corn, maize, millet, and groundnut.

Ethnic groups:- Nupe, Dibo, Kakanda, Gana-Gana, and Fulani. Others include Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.

Stable Crops

  • Cereals (Guinea Corn, Millet, Maize, and Rice).
  • Legumes (Compea, Bambara, Nuts)).
  • Root and Tubers (Yam, Cassava and Potatoes)).
  • Oil Feeds and Nuts (Soya beans, shea nuts, groundnut, beniseed, and melon).)
  • Fruits (Mango, Orange, Banana, Cashew and Guava) and others such as vegetables & sugarcane.)

Agaie, by its location, soil and climate have opportunities for grazing, fishing, and forestry.