Thirteenth Anniversary of Nuhu Lafarma foundation

In a bid to celebrate the foundation 13th Anniversary, the foundation known as a organization that support the less privileged in the society, join the state and federal government to fight against the spread of Covid- 19 by Donating safety materials to the people of the state ranging from Umaru Sanda Hospital Bida, General Hospital Kutigi, Primary Health Care Center Enagi, General Hospital Mokwa, 102 Battalion Zuma Barracks and 31 Brigade Minna, Zuma Barracks Suleja and Some Hospitals across the other parts of the State that the state government will distribute on behalf of the foundation.

The Chairman of the foundation, Mohammad Bello Agaie (Saduakin Agaie) said these are the kinds of things he can do to eliminate the suffering of the people and to stop the spread of Covid – 19 .
The Secretary to the state government who is also the chairman task force on covid-19 applaud the foundation on their support to the state government and call on other well to do citizen to emulate the foundation.